Well, that was a different Thanksgiving, wasn’t it? For many of us, it wasn’t the pause from life that we usually get. But this […]

Sales insights, real life strategies, and a little tough love from someone who knows how hard this part of your business can be, and knows that you can do it.
Imagine you’re given a piece of paper with a maze on it. In one corner, there’s a picture of a cartoon mouse. Your goal […]
The gray hair saga continues. And it’s taken an unexpected turn. A couple of weeks ago I told you how, in one of the […]
The night Obama won his first election, I was there with Barack, Michelle, Sasha, Malia, and 240,000 other Chicagoans. It was one of the […]
So here’s a thing I never thought I’d say: I’m blonde. At least, for the next week or so. Here’s how it happened. Flashback […]
Really quick: tomorrow is the last day to apply for SIGNED, my program to learn how to land higher-paying consulting and coaching clients, step […]
I open Netflix, find my name among the family members who share our account, and in a few seconds, I’m in a familiar place: […]