I’m reaching out today to ask for your help to get a message out.
Over the past weeks, I’ve been so angry watching families of federal employees suffer due to the government shutdown. And for weeks I’ve felt powerless to help.
But today, I’m doing something about it. Today I’m announcing that if you’re a woman running a consulting or service-based business, and your spouse is a furloughed federal employee, and as a result of the shutdown you are now solely responsible for supporting your family…
…you can take my SIGNED sales coaching program for free. Even though the shutdown is temporarily over.
On average, women in SIGNED double what they get paid per contract, get contracts signed faster, and stabilize their income.
These types of results are great in good times, but for families who are in financial distress due to the shutdown, they can make the difference between making a mortgage payment or missing it. Being able to pay for medicine, or going without.
I can’t end the shutdown. But while this administration holds federal employees and their families hostage, I can at least help women learn how to bring more money in, faster.
Applications are due by Friday, February 1. Apply at smartgetspaid.com/signed-fed
NOW my mission is to get this in front of as many people as possible who might need it, and I need your help.
1) Please SHARE this on Facebook, on Linkedin, and in any groups you’re a part of.
– Here is a post for FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157015128139539&set=a.101577084538&type=3&theater
– Here is a post for LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6494574050273218560
2) When you post, please TAG anyone you know who might benefit from this program right now
3) And of course, please APPLY if you need help.
Applications are due by Friday, February 1st.
Thank you!
P.S. Because SIGNED is an intensive, small-group program, limited spots are available. Other terms apply – see smartgetspaid.com/signed-fed.