The Smart Gets Paid Podcast
Learn strategies, tools, and mindset shifts you can start to use today to land higher-paying clients in your consulting business.
Go behind the scenes with our business consulting clients
Listen in on my actual calls with clients where we’re tackling their biggest sales challenges, and learn sales strategies you can use today in your own business. You’ll discover that even if you’ve never been a salesperson, you can land the clients you want, and get paid more than you imagined.

The Smart Gets Paid Podcast with Leah Neaderthal

EP 13: When you want to be unique
When you’re in a crowded industry, how do you stand out as unique? The answer may surprise you. Listen in as Leah coaches a leadership consultant whose previous career chasing “the next big story” is working against her now, and learn how to think about how to be unique and innovative in your own industry.

EP 12: The two most important questions
How to talk about your work, and how to start selling it… it’s the foundation of being able to get clients into any consulting, coaching, or service-based business. But even though it sounds simple, it can be hard to figure it out. Join Leah as she tackles these questions with a leadership consultant who needs to build her business back up after Covid-related client changes.

EP 11: How to stop clients from ghosting you
Whether it’s dating or selling, ghosting is the worst because it leaves you wondering what you did wrong. But as Leah shares in this episode, even if you’ve been ghosted by clients in the past, you can turn things around with a few smart questions.

EP 10: How to truly connect with your clients
Leah chats with a woman who’s trying to get in front of her ideal clients on LinkedIn, but she’s finding it hard to connect with them. Listen in and learn why sometimes, the reason we’re not connecting with our audience, might be different than you think. To learn more about the Pack Your Pipeline Accelerator starting on June 14th, and save $100 with the special code for podcast listeners that Leah shares in this episode, go to smartgetspaid.com/linkedin-accel.

EP 9: When to talk price with your clients
“The price conversation” – it can be the scariest part of the sales process. But without it, you’re going into a proposal blind. In this episode, Leah talks to a client who’s on the verge of making that mistake, but as you’ll hear, it’s not too late to fix it.

EP 8: Am I sending too much email?
Why are we so good at doing for our clients… and it’s so hard to do the same things in our own businesses? That’s the question I’m tackling with a marketing consultant for nonprofits who’s worried about sending too much email. But as we’ll discuss, these are all fundamentals that she can already apply to her business.
About Leah
I help women consultants land higher-paying clients.
Despite having never been a salesperson, I spent four years developing a sales process and methodology that feels comfortable and that works. And using that approach, I have a 92% win rate and I’ve sold $3MM in work. Now I teach others how to do it, their way.
Interested in having Leah on your podcast? Email team@smartgetspaid.com.

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