Hey, For the past few months, I’ve been talking to a lot of women who feel like they needed to pivot their entire consulting […]

Sales insights, real life strategies, and a little tough love from someone who knows how hard this part of your business can be, and knows that you can do it.
Hey, For the past few months, I’ve been talking to a lot of women who feel like they needed to pivot their entire consulting […]
Hey, have you ever shared something personal about yourself to, like, thousands of your potential clients? I think most women would shy away from […]
Hey! Real quick, our next Pack Your Pipeline Accelerator – my 21-day LinkedIn program to position you as an expert and start bringing your […]
Hey! Real quick, this week I’m hosting free training on Tuesday and Thursday we’ll be talking about positioning yourself as an expert in what […]
Hey! Real quick, I’m hosting a free training on June 16th at 1 pm ET and June 18th at 8 pm ET where we’ll […]
Hey. When you love what you do, it’s easy to want to immerse yourself in your business. To disappear into client work, or your […]